IFCC WorldLab 2024 – BÜHLMANN promoted Education Workshop 12 – Presentations
Clinical value of calprotectin in the diagnosis and management of patients suffering from IBD – Prof. Jordi Guardiola
Explore the clinical importance of fecal calprotectin levels and how they influence the management of IBD patients.
Fecal calprotectin testing in routine lab work: the experience from a reference center – Rouba Trad
Learn from a reference center’s experience on how to implement fecal calprotectin testing into automated and optimized laboratory workflow and how to overcome analytical and pre-analytical challenges.
Calprotectin: Insights into biological function & biochemical analysis – Dr. Alexander Ohmann
Gain an understanding of the interesting and complex biochemistry of calprotectin and its significance as an important player in the innate immune system.
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