BÜHLMANN continues to renew and enlarge its product portfolio, with the aim to be a leader in selected fields of in vitro diagnostics and in combining innovation with its traditional core values.



BÜHLMANN has become the prime calprotectin company within a few years, offering the broadest calprotectin product range with the automatable BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA and the quantitative Quantum Blue® Calprotectin rapid tests and the highly successful immuno-turbidimetric BÜHLMANN fCAL® turbo assay. This portfolio combined with our safe and clean stool sampling CALEX® Cap device and with IBDoc® calprotectin, the smartphone based home testing solution, BÜHLMANN is bringing calprotectin monitoring to patients. The Quantum Blue® Infliximab and Adalimumab rapid tests including the corresponding antibody tests allow for timely determination of drug in the patients system.

BÜHLMANN does not only stand for calprotectin, but also for a selection of unique, high-quality assays for clinical routine use such as the BÜHLMANN Flow CAST® product group for Basophil Activation Testing, and the BÜHLMANN GanglioCombi® MAG ELISA , the only screening ELISA for anti-Ganglioside and anti-MAG antibody testing in one single assay.

All these assays mentioned are already IVDR compatible which is a remarkable achievement in the forward looking, future oriented attitude we at BÜHLMANN stand for.

BÜHLMANN continues to renew and enlarge its product portfolio, with the aim to be a leader in selected fields of in vitro diagnostics and in combining innovation with its traditional core values.

As unique as our products are our distribution fields with leading suppliers in the field of molecular diagnostics. With Seegene and the Anyplex™ II/Allplex™ products in combination with NIMBUS IVD/STARlet and the CFX96, we offer the leading automated high multiplex real-time PCR solution, with a unique menu, for all sizes of laboratories. With  EntroGen we offer outstanding MDx tests in the field of Oncology.



Quality is not just a statement, but part of our daily commitment. The Management System is ISO 13485:2016 certified and the products are manufactured according to GMP standards. BÜHLMANN staff and distributors as well as selected customers are continually trained.
BÜHLMANN is known for the outstanding quality of its products, its excellent after sales services and a worldwide availability through a network of highly qualified distributors.



BÜHLMANN is a fully independent, medium sized Swiss company. The company was founded in 1976 and has continuously developed over the years. Sister companies have been established in Austria (BÜHLMANN in Austria GmbH) in 1996, in France (BÜHLMANN France SAS) in 2002, in Italy (BUHLMANN Italia srl) in 2009 and Brasil (BÜHLMANN Brasil) in 2013. In 2015, BUHLMANN Diagnostics Corporation has been established to serve customers in the USA. Since 2005, BÜHLMANN products are directly distributed in Germany.