Measurement of Fecal Calprotectin Improves Monitoring and Detection of Recurrence of Crohn’s Disease After Surgery

BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA Citation Wright, E. K., , Kamm MA, De Cruz P, Hamilton AL et. al. Measurement of Fecal Calprotectin Improves Monitoring and Detection of Recurrence of Crohn’s Disease After Surgery, Gastroenterology 2015 May;148(5):938-947.e1. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2015.01.026. “The present study has shown that FC concentration is sufficiently sensitive to monitor for recurrence of Crohn’s disease” Learn More
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Prospective Evaluation of the Predictive Value of Faecal Calprotectin in Quiescent Crohn’s Disease

BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA Citation Naismith, Smith LA, Barry SJ, Munro JI, Laird S, Rankin K, Morris AJ, Winter JW, Gaya DR. A prospective evaluation of the predictive value of faecal calprotectin in quiescent Crohn’s disease. J Crohns Colitis. 2014 Sep;8(9):1022-9. doi: 10.1016/j.crohns.2014.01.029. “The FC result, obtained by non-invasive means, can provide prognostic information for both the patient
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Value Fecal Calprotectin in the Evaluation of Patients with Abdominal Discomfort: An Observational Study

BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA Citation Manz, M,  Burri E, Rothen C, Tchanguizi N, Niederberger C, Rossi L, Beglinger C, Lehmann FS. Value of fecal calprotectin in the evaluation of patients with abdominal discomfort: an observational study. BMC Gastroenterol. 2012 Jan 10;12:5. doi: 10.1186/1471-230X-12-5. “All together, those results support the concept that fecal calprotectin is a useful marker in
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Monoclonal antibody testing for fecal calprotectin is superior to Polyclonal Testing of Fecal Calprotectin and Lactoferrin to Identify Organic Intestinal Disease in Patients with Adominal Discomfort

BÜHLMANN fCAL® ELISA Citation Burri E, Manz M., Rothen C, Rossi L,Beglinger C, Lehmann S. Monoclonal antibody testing for fecal calprotectin is superior to polyclonal testing of fecal calprotectin and lactoferrin to identify organic intestinal disease in patients with abdominal discomfort. Clinica Chimica Acta. 2013 Feb; 416: 41-47.  doi: 10.1016/j.cca.2012.11.008 “…we demonstrated, that the diagnostic accuracy of monoclonal
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